
Monday, April 04, 2011


Write More Good: An Absolutely Phony Guide
The Bureau Chiefs

One perk of blogging is that sometimes people send you free books, in hopes that you will review them. When they're this cool, I most certainly will! I follow @fakeapstylebook on Twitter for a daily laugh. These guys are hilarious! The book does not disappoint.

Sections like "News & Headline Writing" ("Having trouble finding an audience for your food section? Consider running a story similar to the 'mad cow disease scare' e.g. 'irritable chicken syndrome,' 'moody pork disorder,' or 'uncomfortably needy fish situation.' Remember, vegetables do not have feelings." p.9) and "Citation and Attribution: Do Not Hit the Snooze Button" ("Scholarly Works: Not exactly sure what this is. If you can't get it on the Internet, don't worry about it" p.186) are just a few examples of what you'll find here.

Notice the green dot on the front cover? It says, "If you use this, you will get fired!" This book makes fun of the "lowering standards of the written word" (back cover). And, as Roger Ebert points out in the forward, it's not just a slapped-together copy of their Twitter stream. This is new material!

This book is available on April 5. Run, do not walk, to get your copy! You need this for a laugh (and, if I'm being honest, there's some sad truth to some of it too.)

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