
Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Few Updates

Just a few updates from SSLDL:

1. Our Facebook page has 71 members now! We've added video and pictures taken at programs, upcoming events, and a few discussion topics. So far it is very staff-driven, so we will have to find a way to get our 71 members to be active participants in the page.

2. The iPod Touch has been a real Godsend lately! We've had some staff members on vacation, as well as out sick, so roving reference has been a priority. We have had some empty reference desks, so being able to do reference on-the-fly throughout the building has been nice. Also, our expansion is now complete and we have new areas to be covered. Since we haven't added more staff to cover these new areas, we find that we need to be in several places at once. We can do reference in any of these new areas with the iTouch.

3. I mentioned in #2 that our expansion project is now complete. Staff are starting to get into a new routine and remembering where we put everything in the re-organization. There is so much more space now!

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