I attended a workshop on the ACA yesterday, sponsored by TLN. They
provided some great resources, which are worth a look, so I wanted to
pass them along.
Info about the Health Insurance Marketplace, open enrollment, and information for both individuals/families and businesses.
Library of Michigan ACA Page
Currently fairly sparse, but library-specific. There is a PDF with resources for libraries to help our patrons.
Kaiser Family Foundation Health Reform page
Flow charts, articles, links - exceptional information here! They also have a glossary of ACA terms.
American Library Association ACA Tools
library-specific information to help us help our patrons, including
clear statements on the role of libraries in this process.
WebJunction on Preparing Libraries for the Affordable Care Act
Includes a link to the archived webinar.
Families USA Health Reform Central
Lots of legislation-specific information.
Health Reform GPS
Implementation briefs, key developments, health reform overview, and more.
Health Care Reform Basics from Blue Cross Blue Shield
BCBS-sponsored info, but still very basic on health carer reform, as the name implies.