
Saturday, December 04, 2010


I get a lot of emails from a lot of companies that want to "help" me gain readers to this blog. I have ignored all of them. When I got an email from TeachStreet last week, I decided to experiment with them and give it a go. Their approach was different, and of all my online presences, this blog is the one I experiment with the most. (I have used this blog to experiment with mashups, RSS, and embedding, for example.) Now I'm experimenting with TeachStreet.

So far, they have come through on everything promised (which wasn't anything drastic or questionable in the first place...they feature my blog, and I link to them), and it cost me nothing. No weird links or tags or private information exchange. No access requested to things I'd rather not give access to. They created a guest post for me, and I have to say that it validates a lot of what I've written here in the past! It's worth reading because it comes from the patron (member?) experience, which is so valuable.

The next post will be that guest post.

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